Vocabulary : Scone to Scopeline
Scone : A cake, thinner than a bannock, made of wheat or barley or oat meal.
Scoop : A beat. ;; To get a scoop, or a beat, on (a rival). ;; A large ladle; a vessel with a long handle, used for dipping liquids; a utensil for bailing boats. ;; A deep shovel, or any similar implement for digging out and dipping or shoveling up anything; as, a flour scoop; the scoop of a dredging machine. ;; A spoon-shaped instrument, used in extracting certain substances or foreign bodies. ;; A place hollowed out; a basinlike cavity; a hollow. ;; A sweep; a stroke; a swoop. ;; The act of scooping, or taking with a scoop or ladle; a motion with a scoop, as in dipping or shoveling. ;; To take out or up with, a scoop; to lade out. ;; To empty by lading; as, to scoop a well dry. ;; To make hollow, as a scoop or dish; to excavate; to dig out; to form by digging or excavation.
Scooped : of Scoop
Scooper : One who, or that which, scoops. ;; The avocet; -- so called because it scoops up the mud to obtain food.
Scooping : of Scoop
Scoot : To walk fast; to go quickly; to run hastily away.
Scoparin : A yellow gelatinous or crystalline substance found in broom (Cytisus scoparius) accompanying sparteine.
Scopate : Having the surface closely covered with hairs, like a brush.
Scope : That at which one aims; the thing or end to which the mind directs its view; that which is purposed to be reached or accomplished; hence, ultimate design, aim, or purpose; intention; drift; object. ;; Room or opportunity for free outlook or aim; space for action; amplitude of opportunity; free course or vent; liberty; range of view, intent, or action. ;; Extended area. ;; Length; extent; sweep; as, scope of cable. ;; To look at for the purpose of evaluation; usually with out; as, to scope out the area as a camping site.
Scopeline : Scopeloid.
: Scopeloid, Scopiferous, Scopiform, Scopiped, Scoppet, Scops owl, Scopster, Scoptic, Scoptical, Scopula
: Scomberoid, Scombriformes, Scombroid, Scomfish, Scomfit, Scomm, Sconce, Sconced, Sconcheon, Sconcing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary