Vocabulary : Scopeloid to Scopula
Scopeloid : Like or pertaining to fishes of the genus Scopelus, or family Scopelodae, which includes many small oceanic fishes, most of which are phosphorescent. ;; Any fish of the family Scopelidae.
Scopiferous : Bearing a tuft of brushlike hairs.
Scopiform : Having the form of a broom or besom.
Scopiped : Same as Scopuliped.
Scoppet : To lade or dip out.
Scops owl : Any one of numerous species of small owls of the genus Scops having ear tufts like those of the horned owls, especially the European scops owl (Scops giu), and the American screech owl (S. asio).
Scopster : The saury.
Scoptic : Alt. of Scoptical
Scoptical : Jesting; jeering; scoffing.
Scopula : A peculiar brushlike organ found on the foot of spiders and used in the construction of the web. ;; A special tuft of hairs on the leg of a bee.
: Scopulae, Scopulas, Scopuliped, Scopulous, Scorbute, Scorbutic, Scorbutical, Scorbutus, Scorce, Scorch
: Scone, Scoop, Scooped, Scooper, Scooping, Scoot, Scoparin, Scopate, Scope, Scopeline
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary