Vocabulary : Sheet anchor to Sheiling
Sheet anchor : A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist of a vessel; -- called also waist anchor. See the Note under Anchor. ;; Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in danger; the best hope or refuge.
Sheet cable : The cable belonging to the sheet anchor.
Sheet chain : A chain sheet cable.
Sheeted : of Sheet
Sheetful : Enough to fill a sheet; as much as a sheet can hold.
Sheetfuls : of Sheetful
Sheeting : of Sheet ;; Cotton or linen cloth suitable for bed sheets. It is sometimes made of double width. ;; A lining of planks or boards (rarely of metal) for protecting an embankment. ;; The act or process of forming into sheets, or flat pieces; also, material made into sheets.
Sheik : The head of an Arab family, or of a clan or a tribe; also, the chief magistrate of an Arab village. The name is also applied to Mohammedan ecclesiastics of a high grade.
Sheil : Alt. of Sheiling
Sheiling : See Sheeling.
: Sheitan, Shekel, Shekinah, Sheld, Sheldafle, Sheldaple, Sheldfowl, Sheldrake, Shelduck, Shelf
: Sheep-shearing, Sheepskin, Sheepsplit, Sheepy, Sheer, Sheered, Sheering, Sheerly, Sheerwater, Sheet
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary