Vocabulary : Sheitan to Shelf
Sheitan : An evil spirit; the evil one; the devil. ;; One of bad disposition; a fiend. ;; A dust storm.
Shekel : An ancient weight and coin used by the Jews and by other nations of the same stock. ;; A jocose term for money.
Shekinah : The visible majesty of the Divine Presence, especially when resting or dwelling between the cherubim on the mercy seat, in the Tabernacle, or in the Temple of Solomon; -- a term used in the Targums and by the later Jews, and adopted by Christians.
Sheld : Variegated; spotted; speckled; piebald.
Sheldafle : Alt. of Sheldaple
Sheldaple : A chaffinch.
Sheldfowl : The common sheldrake.
Sheldrake : Any one of several species of large Old World ducks of the genus Tadorna and allied genera, especially the European and Asiatic species. (T. cornuta, / tadorna), which somewhat resembles a goose in form and habit, but breeds in burrows. ;; Any one of the American mergansers.
Shelduck : The sheldrake.
Shelf : A flat tablet or ledge of any material set horizontally at a distance from the floor, to hold objects of use or ornament. ;; A sand bank in the sea, or a rock, or ledge of rocks, rendering the water shallow, and dangerous to ships. ;; A stratum lying in a very even manner; a flat, projecting layer of rock. ;; A piece of timber running the whole length of a vessel inside the timberheads.
: Shelfa, Shelfy, Shell, Shellac, Shellapple, Shellbark, Shelled, Sheller, Shellfish, Shelling
: Sheet anchor, Sheet cable, Sheet chain, Sheeted, Sheetful, Sheetfuls, Sheeting, Sheik, Sheil, Sheiling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary