Vocabulary : Siliqua to Silkensides
Siliqua : Same as Silique. ;; A weight of four grains; a carat; -- a term used by jewelers, and refiners of gold.
Siliquae : of Siliqua
Silique : An oblong or elongated seed vessel, consisting of two valves with a dissepiment between, and opening by sutures at either margin. The seeds are attached to both edges of the dissepiment, alternately upon each side of it.
Siliquosa : A Linnaean order of plants including those which bear siliques.
Siliquose : Alt. of Siliquous
Siliquous : Bearing siliques; as, siliquose plants; pertaining to, or resembling, siliques; as, siliquose capsules.
Siliqyiform : Having the form of a silique.
Silk : The fine, soft thread produced by various species of caterpillars in forming the cocoons within which the worm is inclosed during the pupa state, especially that produced by the larvae of Bombyx mori. ;; Hence, thread spun, or cloth woven, from the above-named material. ;; That which resembles silk, as the filiform styles of the female flower of maize.
Silken : Of or pertaining to silk; made of, or resembling, silk; as, silken cloth; a silken veil. ;; Fig.: Soft; delicate; tender; smooth; as, silken language. ;; Dressed in silk. ;; To render silken or silklike.
Silkensides : Same as Slickensides.
: Silkiness, Silkman, Silkmen, Silkness, Silk-stocking, Silkweed, Silkworm, Silky, Sill, Sillabub
: Silicofluoric, Silicofluoride, Silicoidea, Silicon, Silicotungstic, Silicula, Silicule, Siliculose, Siliginose, Siling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary