Vocabulary : Silkiness to Sillabub
Silkiness : The quality or state of being silky or silken; softness and smoothness. ;; Fig.: Effeminacy; weakness.
Silkman : A dealer in silks; a silk mercer.
Silkmen : of Silkman
Silkness : Silkiness.
Silk-stocking : Wearing silk stockings (which among men were formerly worn chiefly by the luxurious or aristocratic); hence, elegantly dressed; aristocratic; luxurious; -- chiefly applied to men, often by way of reproach.
Silkweed : Any plant of the genera Asclepias and Acerates whose seed vessels contain a long, silky down; milkweed.
Silkworm : The larva of any one of numerous species of bombycid moths, which spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon before changing to a pupa.
Silky : Of or pertaining to silk; made of, or resembling, silk; silken; silklike; as, a silky luster. ;; Hence, soft and smooth; as, silky wine. ;; Covered with soft hairs pressed close to the surface, as a leaf; sericeous.
Sill : The basis or foundation of a thing; especially, a horizontal piece, as a timber, which forms the lower member of a frame, or supports a structure; as, the sills of a house, of a bridge, of a loom, and the like. ;; The timber or stone at the foot of a door; the threshold. ;; The timber or stone on which a window frame stands; or, the lowest piece in a window frame. ;; The floor of a gallery or passage in a mine. ;; A piece of timber across the bottom of a canal lock for the gates to shut against. ;; The shaft or thill of a carriage. ;; A young herring.
Sillabub : A dish made by mixing wine or cider with milk, and thus forming a soft curd; also, sweetened cream, flavored with wine and beaten to a stiff froth.
: Siller, Sillily, Sillimanite, Silliness, Sillock, Sillon, Silly, Sillyhow, Silo, Silt
: Siliqua, Siliquae, Silique, Siliquosa, Siliquose, Siliquous, Siliqyiform, Silk, Silken, Silkensides
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary