Vocabulary : Skiffing to Skilling
Skiffing : of Skiff
Skiffling : Rough dressing by knocking off knobs or projections; knobbing.
Skilder : To beg; to pilfer; to skelder.
Skilful : See Skilful.
Skill : Discrimination; judgment; propriety; reason; cause. ;; Knowledge; understanding. ;; The familiar knowledge of any art or science, united with readiness and dexterity in execution or performance, or in the application of the art or science to practical purposes; power to discern and execute; ability to perceive and perform; expertness; aptitude; as, the skill of a mathematician, physician, surgeon, mechanic, etc. ;; Display of art; exercise of ability; contrivance; address. ;; Any particular art. ;; To know; to understand. ;; To be knowing; to have understanding; to be dexterous in performance. ;; To make a difference; to signify; to matter; -- used impersonally.
Skilled : Having familiar knowledge united with readiness and dexterity in its application; familiarly acquainted with; expert; skillful; -- often followed by in; as, a person skilled in drawing or geometry.
Skillet : A small vessel of iron, copper, or other metal, with a handle, used for culinary purpose, as for stewing meat.
Skillful : Discerning; reasonable; judicious; cunning. ;; Possessed of, or displaying, skill; knowing and ready; expert; well-versed; able in management; as, a skillful mechanic; -- often followed by at, in, or of; as, skillful at the organ; skillful in drawing.
Skilligalee : A kind of thin, weak broth or oatmeal porridge, served out to prisoners and paupers in England; also, a drink made of oatmeal, sugar, and water, sometimes used in the English navy or army.
Skilling : A bay of a barn; also, a slight addition to a cottage. ;; A money od account in Sweden, Norwey, Denmark, and North Germany, and also a coin. It had various values, from three fourths of a cent in Norway to more than two cents in Lubeck.
: Skill-less, Skilts, Skilty, Skim, Skimback, Skimble-scamble, Skimitry, Skimmed, Skimmer, Skimmerton
: Skidded, Skidder, Skidding, Skidpan, Skied, Skieldrake, Skies, Skiey, Skiff, Skiffed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary