Vocabulary : Skill-less to Skimmerton

Skill-less : Wanting skill.
Skilts : A kind of large, coarse, short trousers formerly worn.
Skilty : The water rail.
Skim : To clear (a liquid) from scum or substance floating or lying thereon, by means of a utensil that passes just beneath the surface; as, to skim milk; to skim broth. ;; To take off by skimming; as, to skim cream. ;; To pass near the surface of; to brush the surface of; to glide swiftly along the surface of. ;; Fig.: To read or examine superficially and rapidly, in order to cull the principal facts or thoughts; as, to skim a book or a newspaper. ;; To pass lightly; to glide along in an even, smooth course; to glide along near the surface. ;; To hasten along with superficial attention. ;; To put on the finishing coat of plaster. ;; Contraction of Skimming and Skimmed.
Skimback : The quillback.
Skimble-scamble : Rambling; disorderly; unconnected.
Skimitry : See Skimmington.
Skimmed : of Skim
Skimmer : One who, or that which, skims; esp., a utensil with which liquids are skimmed. ;; Any species of longwinged marine birds of the genus Rhynchops, allied to the terns, but having the lower mandible compressed and much longer than the upper one. These birds fly rapidly along the surface of the water, with the lower mandible immersed, thus skimming out small fishes. The American species (R. nigra) is common on the southern coasts of the United States. Called also scissorbill, and shearbill. ;; Any one of several large bivalve shells, sometimes used for skimming milk, as the sea clams, and large scallops.
Skimmerton : See Skimmington.
Next : Skimming, Skimmingly, Skimmington, Skimp, Skimped, Skimping, Skin, Skinbound, Skinch, Skinched
Previous : Skiffing, Skiffling, Skilder, Skilful, Skill, Skilled, Skillet, Skillful, Skilligalee, Skilling
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