Vocabulary : Smilingly to Smirkingly
Smilingly : In a smiling manner.
Smilingness : Quality or state of being smiling.
Smilodon : An extinct genus of saber-toothed tigers. See Mach/rodus.
Smilt : To melt.
Sminthurid : Any one of numerous small species of springtails, of the family Sminthuridae, -- usually found on flowers. See Illust. under Collembola.
Smirch : To smear with something which stains, or makes dirty; to smutch; to begrime; to soil; to sully. ;; A smutch; a dirty stain.
Smirk : To smile in an affected or conceited manner; to smile with affected complaisance; to simper. ;; A forced or affected smile; a simper. ;; Nice,; smart; spruce; affected; simpering.
Smirked : of Smirk
Smirking : of Smirk
Smirkingly : With smirking; with a smirk.
: Smirky, Smit, Smite, Smiter, Smith, Smithcraft, Smither, Smithereens, Smithery, Smithing
: Smift, Smight, Smilacin, Smilax, Smile, Smiled, Smileless, Smiler, Smilet, Smiling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary