Vocabulary : Smirky to Smithing
Smirky : Smirk; smirking.Smit : imp. & p. p. of Smite. ;; 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Smite. ;; of Smite ;; of Smite
Smite : To strike; to inflict a blow upon with the hand, or with any instrument held in the hand, or with a missile thrown by the hand; as, to smite with the fist, with a rod, sword, spear, or stone. ;; To cause to strike; to use as an instrument in striking or hurling. ;; To destroy the life of by beating, or by weapons of any kind; to slay by a blow; to kill; as, to smite one with the sword, or with an arrow or other instrument. ;; To put to rout in battle; to overthrow by war. ;; To blast; to destroy the life or vigor of, as by a stroke or by some visitation. ;; To afflict; to chasten; to punish. ;; To strike or affect with passion, as love or fear. ;; To strike; to collide; to beat. ;; The act of smiting; a blow.
Smiter : One who smites.
Smith : One who forges with the hammer; one who works in metals; as, a blacksmith, goldsmith, silversmith, and the like. ;; One who makes or effects anything. ;; To beat into shape; to forge.