Vocabulary : Suberin to Subfibrous

Suberin : A material found in the cell walls of cork. It is a modification of lignin.
Suberite : Any sponge of the genus Suberites and allied genera. These sponges have a fine and compact texture, and contain minute siliceous spicules.
Suberization : Conversion of the cell walls into cork tissue by development of suberin; -- commonly taking place in exposed tissues, as when a callus forms over a wound. Suberized cell walls are impervious to water.
Suberize : To effect suberization of.
Suberone : The hypothetical ketone of suberic acid. ;; A colorless liquid, analogous suberone proper, having a pleasant peppermint odor. It is obtained by the distillation of calcium suberate.
Suberose : Alt. of Suberous
Suberous : Having a corky texture.
Subesophageal : Situated beneath the esophagus.
Subfamily : One of the subdivisions, of more importance than genus, into which certain families are divided.
Subfibrous : Somewhat fibrous.
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