Vocabulary : Subfuscous to Subglossal
Subfuscous : Duskish; moderately dark; brownish; tawny.
Subfusk : Subfuscous.
Subgelatinous : Imperfectly or partially gelatinous.
Subgenera : of Subgenus
Subgeneric : Of or pertaining to a subgenus.
Subgenus : A subdivision of a genus, comprising one or more species which differ from other species of the genus in some important character or characters; as, the azaleas now constitute a subgenus of Rhododendron.
Subglacial : Pertaining or belonging to the under side of a glacier; being beneath a glacier; as, subglacial streams.
Subglobose : Not quite globose.
Subglobular : Nearly globular.
Subglossal : Situated under the tongue; sublingual.
: Subglottic, Subglumaceous, Subgovernor, Subgranular, Subgroup, Subhastation, Subhepatic, Subhornblendic, Subhumerate, Subhyaloid
: Suberin, Suberite, Suberization, Suberize, Suberone, Suberose, Suberous, Subesophageal, Subfamily, Subfibrous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary