Vocabulary : Supercelestial to Supercolumniation

Supercelestial : Situated above the firmament, or great vault of heaven. ;; Higher than celestial; superangelic.
Supercharge : To charge (a bearing) upon another bearing; as, to supercharge a rose upon a fess. ;; A bearing charged upon another bearing.
Supercharged : of Supercharge
Supercharging : of Supercharge
Superchemical : Above or beyond chemistry; inexplicable by chemical laws.
Superchery : Deceit; fraud; imposition.
Superciliary : Of or pertaining to the eyebrows; supraorbital. ;; Having a distinct streak of color above the eyes; as, the superciliary woodpecker.
Supercilious : Lofty with pride; haughty; dictatorial; overbearing; arrogant; as, a supercilious officer; asupercilious air; supercilious behavior.
Supercilium : The eyebrow, or the region of the eyebrows.
Supercolumniation : The putting of one order above another; also, an architectural work produced by this method; as, the putting of the Doric order in the ground story, Ionic above it, and Corinthian or Composite above this.
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