Vocabulary : Superconception to Supereminency
Superconception : Superfetation.
Superconsequence : Remote consequence.
Supercrescence : That which grows upon another growing thing; a parasite.
Supercrescent : Growing on some other growing thing.
Supercretaceous : Same as Supracretaceous.
Supercurious : Excessively curious or inquisitive.
Superdominant : The sixth tone of the scale; that next above the dominant; -- called also submediant.
Superdreadnought : See Dreadnought, above.
Supereminence : Alt. of Supereminency
Supereminency : The quality or state of being supereminent; distinguished eminence; as, the supereminence of Cicero as an orator, or Lord Chatham as a statesman.
: Supereminent, Supererogant, Supererogate, Supererogated, Supererogating, Supererogation, Supererogative, Supererogatory, Superessential, Superethical
: Supercelestial, Supercharge, Supercharged, Supercharging, Superchemical, Superchery, Superciliary, Supercilious, Supercilium, Supercolumniation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary