Vocabulary : Supereminent to Superethical
Supereminent : Eminent in a superior degree; surpassing others in excellence; as, a supereminent divine; the supereminent glory of Christ.
Supererogant : Supererogatory.
Supererogate : To do more than duty requires; to perform works of supererogation; to atone (for a dificiency in another) by means of a surplus action or quality.
Supererogated : of Supererogate
Supererogating : of Supererogate
Supererogation : The act of supererogating; performance of more than duty or necessity requires.
Supererogative : Supererogatory.
Supererogatory : Performed to an extent not enjoined, or not required, by duty or necessity; as, supererogatory services.
Superessential : Essential above others, or above the constitution of a thing.
Superethical : More than ethical; above ethics.
: Superexalt, Superexaltation, Superexalted, Superexalting, Superexcellence, Superexcellent, Superexcination, Superexcrescence, Superfamily, Superfecundation
: Superconception, Superconsequence, Supercrescence, Supercrescent, Supercretaceous, Supercurious, Superdominant, Superdreadnought, Supereminence, Supereminency
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary