Vocabulary : Supplementary to Suppliance

Supplementary : Added to supply what is wanted; additional; being, or serving as, a supplement; as, a supplemental law; a supplementary sheet or volume.
Supplementation : The act of supplementing.
Supplemented : of Supplement
Supplementing : of Supplement
Suppleness : The quality or state of being supple; flexibility; pliableness; pliancy.
Suppletive : Alt. of Suppletory
Suppletories : of Suppletory
Suppletory : Supplying deficiencies; supplementary; as, a suppletory oath. ;; That which is to supply what is wanted.
Supplial : The act of supplying; a supply.
Suppliance : That which supplies a want; assistance; a gratification; satisfaction. ;; Supplication; entreaty.
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