Vocabulary : Suppliant to Supplicator
Suppliant : Asking earnestly and submissively; entreating; beseeching; supplicating. ;; Manifesting entreaty; expressive of supplication. ;; One who supplicates; a humble petitioner; one who entreats submissively.Supplicancy : Supplication.
Supplicant : Entreating; asking submissively. ;; One who supplicates; a suppliant.
Supplicat : A petition; esp., a written one, with a certificate that the conditions have been complied with.
Supplicate : To entreat for; to seek by earnest prayer; to ask for earnestly and humbly; as, to supplicate blessings on Christian efforts to spread the gospel. ;; To address in prayer; to entreat as a supplicant; as, to supplicate the Deity. ;; To make petition with earnestness and submission; to implore.