Vocabulary : Tannage to Tannin
Tannage : A tanning; the act, operation, or result of tanning.
Tannate : A salt of tannic acid.
Tanned : of Tan
Tanner : A sixpence. ;; One whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
Tanneries : of Tannery
Tannery : A place where the work of tanning is carried on. ;; The art or process of tanning.
Tannic : Of or pertaining to tan; derived from, or resembling, tan; as, tannic acid.
Tannier : See Tanier.
Tannigen : A compound obtained as a yellowish gray powder by the action of acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride or ordinary tannic acid. It is used as an intestinal astringent, and locally in rhinitis and pharyngitis.
Tannin : Same as Tannic acid, under Tannic.
: Tanning, Tanrec, Tansy, Tant, Tantalate, Tantalic, Tantalism, Tantalite, Tantalization, Tantalize
: Tank, Tank ship, Tank vessel, Tanka, Tankage, Tankard, Tankia, Tankling, Tanling, Tannable
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary