Vocabulary : Tanning to Tantalize

Tanning : of Tan ;; The art or process of converting skins into leather. See Tan, v. t., 1.
Tanrec : Same as Tenrec.
Tansy : Any plant of the composite genus Tanacetum. The common tansy (T. vulgare) has finely divided leaves, a strong aromatic odor, and a very bitter taste. It is used for medicinal and culinary purposes. ;; A dish common in the seventeenth century, made of eggs, sugar, rose water, cream, and the juice of herbs, baked with butter in a shallow dish.
Tant : A small scarlet arachnid.
Tantalate : A salt of tantalic acid.
Tantalic : Of or pertaining to tantalum; derived from, or containing, tantalum; specifically, designating any one of a series of acids analogous to nitric acid and the polyacid compounds of phosphorus.
Tantalism : A punishment like that of Tantalus; a teasing or tormenting by the hope or near approach of good which is not attainable; tantalization.
Tantalite : A heavy mineral of an iron-black color and submetallic luster. It is essentially a tantalate of iron.
Tantalization : The act of tantalizing, or state of being tantalized.
Tantalize : To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view and exciting desire, but continually frustrating the expectations by keeping that good out of reach; to tease; to torment.
Next : Tantalized, Tantalizer, Tantalizing, Tantalizingly, Tantalum, Tantalus, Tantamount, Tantivy, Tantra, Tantrism
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