Vocabulary : Tartramate to Tartronic

Tartramate : A salt of tartramic acid.
Tartramic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid which is the primary acid amide derivative of tartaric acid.
Tartramide : An acid amide derivative of tartaric acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
Tartrate : A salt of tartaric acid.
Tartrated : Containing, or derived from, tartar; combined with tartaric acid.
Tartrazine : An artificial dyestuff obtained as an orange-yellow powder, and regarded as a phenyl hydrazine derivative of tartaric and sulphonic acids.
Tartrelic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, an anhydride, C4H4O5, of tartaric acid, obtained as a white crystalline deliquescent substance.
Tartro- : A combining form (also used adjectively) used in chemistry to denote the presence of tartar or of some of its compounds or derivatives.
Tartronate : A salt of tartronic acid.
Tartronic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid (called also hydroxy malonic acid) obtained, by reducing mesoxalic acid, as a white crystalline substance.
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