Vocabulary : Tartronyl to Tasimer
Tartronyl : A hypothetical radical constituting the characteristic residue of tartronic acid and certain of its derivatives.
Tartrovinic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, a certain acid composed of tartaric acid in combination with ethyl, and now called ethyltartaric acid.
Tartufe : A hypocritical devotee. See the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction.
Tartuffe : Alt. of Tartufe
Tartuffish : Alt. of Tartufish
Tartufish : Like a tartuffe; precise; hypocritical.
Tarweed : A name given to several resinous-glandular composite plants of California, esp. to the species of Grindelia, Hemizonia, and Madia.
Tas : A heap. ;; To tassel.
Tasco : A kind of clay for making melting pots.
Tasimer : An instrument for detecting or measuring minute extension or movements of solid bodies. It consists essentially of a small rod, disk, or button of carbon, forming part of an electrical circuit, the resistance of which, being varied by the changes of pressure produced by the movements of the object to be measured, causes variations in the strength of the current, which variations are indicated by a sensitive galvanometer. It is also used for measuring minute changes of temperature.
: Task, Task wage, Tasked, Tasker, Tasking, Taskmaster, Taskwork, Taslet, Tasmanian, Tasse
: Tartramate, Tartramic, Tartramide, Tartrate, Tartrated, Tartrazine, Tartrelic, Tartro-, Tartronate, Tartronic
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