Vocabulary : Taurocol to Tautochrone
Taurocol : Alt. of Taurocolla
Taurocolla : Glue made from a bull's hide.
Tauromachian : Of or pertaining to bullfights. ;; A bullfighter.
Tauromachy : Bullfighting.
Taurus : The Bull; the second in order of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which the sun enters about the 20th of April; -- marked thus [/] in almanacs. ;; A zodiacal constellation, containing the well-known clusters called the Pleiades and the Hyades, in the latter of which is situated the remarkably bright Aldebaran. ;; A genus of ruminants comprising the common domestic cattle.
Taurylic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found of a urine of neat cattle, and probably identical with cresol.
Taut : Tight; stretched; not slack; -- said esp. of a rope that is tightly strained. ;; Snug; close; firm; secure.
Tautaug : Same as Tautog.
Tautegorical : Expressing the same thing with different words; -- opposed to allegorical.
Tautochrone : A curved line, such that a heavy body, descending along it by the action of gravity, will always arrive at the lowest point in the same time, wherever in the curve it may begin to fall; as, an inverted cycloid with its base horizontal is a tautochrone.
: Tautochronous, Tautog, Tautologic, Tautological, Tautologist, Tautologize, Tautologized, Tautologizing, Tautologous, Tautology
: Tauntress, Taupie, Taur, Tauricornous, Taurid, Tauridor, Tauriform, Taurine, Taurocholate, Taurocholic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary