Vocabulary : Tautochronous to Tautology
Tautochronous : Occupying the same time; pertaining to, or having the properties of, a tautochrone.
Tautog : An edible labroid fish (Haitula onitis, or Tautoga onitis) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. When adult it is nearly black, more or less irregularly barred, with greenish gray. Called also blackfish, oyster fish, salt-water chub, and moll.
Tautologic : Tautological.
Tautological : Involving tautology; having the same signification; as, tautological expression.
Tautologist : One who uses tautological words or phrases.
Tautologize : To repeat the same thing in different words.
Tautologized : of Tautologize
Tautologizing : of Tautologize
Tautologous : Repeating the same thing in different words; tautological.
Tautology : A repetition of the same meaning in different words; needless repetition of an idea in different words or phrases; a representation of anything as the cause, condition, or consequence of itself, as in the following lines: --//The dawn is overcast, the morning lowers,/And heavily in clouds brings on the day. Addison.
: Tautomeric, Tautomerism, Tautoousian, Tautoousious, Tautophonical, Tautophony, Tautozonal, Tavern, Taverner, Taverning
: Taurocol, Taurocolla, Tauromachian, Tauromachy, Taurus, Taurylic, Taut, Tautaug, Tautegorical, Tautochrone
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary