Vocabulary : Titleless to Titrating
Titleless : Not having a title or name; without legitimate title.
Title-page : The page of a book which contains it title.
Titler : A large truncated cone of refined sugar.
Titling : of Title ;; The hedge sparrow; -- called also titlene. Its nest often chosen by the cuckoo as a place for depositing its own eggs. ;; The meadow pipit. ;; Stockfish; -- formerly so called in customhouses.
Titmal : The blue titmouse.
Titmice : of Titmouse
Titmouse : Any one of numerous species of small insectivorous singing birds belonging to Parus and allied genera; -- called also tit, and tomtit.
Titrate : To analyse, or determine the strength of, by means of standard solutions. Cf. Standardized solution, under Solution.
Titrated : of Titrate ;; Standardized; determined or analyzed by titration; as, titrated solutions.
Titrating : of Titrate
: Titration, Titter, Tittered, Titterel, Tittering, Titter-totter, Tittimouse, Tittivate, Tittle, Tittlebat
: Titillated, Titillating, Titillation, Titillative, Titivate, Titivated, Titivating, Titlark, Title, Titled
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary