Vocabulary : Titration to Tittlebat
Titration : The act or process of titrating; a substance obtained by titrating.
Titter : To laugh with the tongue striking against the root of the upper teeth; to laugh with restraint, or without much noise; to giggle. ;; A restrained laugh. ;; To seesaw. See Teeter.
Tittered : of Titter
Titterel : The whimbrel.
Tittering : of Titter
Titter-totter : See Teeter.
Tittimouse : Titmouse.
Tittivate : To dress or smarten up; to spruce.
Tittle : A particle; a minute part; a jot; an iota.
Tittlebat : The three-spined stickleback.
: Tittle-tattle, Tittle-tattling, Tittup, Tittuped, Tittuping, Tittupped, Tittupping, Tittuppy, Titty, Titubate
: Titleless, Title-page, Titler, Titling, Titmal, Titmice, Titmouse, Titrate, Titrated, Titrating
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary