Vocabulary : Trimembral to Trimethyl
Trimembral : Having, or consisting of, three members.
Trimera : A division of Coleoptera including those which have but three joints in the tarsi.
Trimeran : One of the Trimera. Also used adjectively.
Trimerous : Having the parts in threes.
Trimesitic : Of, pertaining to, or designating, a tribasic acid, C6H3.(CO2)3, of the aromatic series, obtained, by the oxidation of mesitylene, as a white crystalline substance.
Trimester : A term or period of three months.
Trimestral : Trimestrial.
Trimestrial : Of or pertaining to a trimester, or period of three months; occurring once in every three months; quarterly.
Trimeter : Consisting of three poetical measures. ;; A poetical division of verse, consisting of three measures.
Trimethyl : A prefix or combining form (also used adjectively) indicating the presence of three methyl groups.
: Trimethylamine, Trimethylene, Trimetric, Trimetrical, Trimly, Trimmed, Trimmer, Trimming, Trimmingly, Trimness
: Trilobita, Trilobite, Trilobitic, Trilocular, Trilogy, Triluminar, Triluminous, Trim, Trimaculated, Trimellic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary