Vocabulary : Trisnitrate to Tristearin

Trisnitrate : A nitrate formed from three molecules of nitric acid; also, less properly, applied to certain basic nitrates; as, trisnitrate of bismuth.
Trisoctahedron : A solid of the isometric system bounded by twenty-four equal faces, three corresponding to each face of an octahedron.
Trispast : Alt. of Trispaston
Trispaston : A machine with three pulleys which act together for raising great weights.
Trispermous : Containing three seeds; three-seeded; as, a trispermous capsule.
Trisplanchnic : Of or pertaining to the three great splanchnic cavities, namely, that of the head, the chest, and the abdomen; -- applied to the sympathetic nervous system.
Trist : To trust. ;; Trust. ;; A post, or station, in hunting. ;; A secret meeting, or the place of such meeting; a tryst. See Tryst. ;; Sad; sorrowful; gloomy.
Triste : of Trist ;; A cattle fair.
Tristearate : Tristearin.
Tristearin : See Stearin.
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