Vocabulary : Tristfully to Trisulphide

Tristfully : In a tristful manner; sadly.
Tristichous : Arranged in three vertical rows.
Tristigmatic : Alt. of Tristigmatose
Tristigmatose : Having, or consisting of, three stigmas.
Tristitiate : To make sad.
Tristoma : Any one of numerous species of trematode worms belonging to Tristoma and allied genera having a large posterior sucker and two small anterior ones. They usually have broad, thin, and disklike bodies, and are parasite on the gills and skin of fishes.
Tristtul : Sad; sorrowful; gloomy.
Tristy : See Trist, a.
Trisulcate : Having three furrows, forks, or prongs; having three grooves or sulci; three-grooved.
Trisulphide : A sulphide containing three atoms of sulphur.
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