Vocabulary : Trisuls to Tritheistical
Trisuls : Something having three forks or prongs, as a trident.
Trisyllabic : Alt. of Trisyllabical
Trisyllabical : Of or pertaining to a trisyllable; consisting of three syllables; as, "syllable" is a trisyllabic word.
Trisyllable : A word consisting of three syllables only; as, a-ven-ger.
Trite : Worn out; common; used until so common as to have lost novelty and interest; hackneyed; stale; as, a trite remark; a trite subject.
Triternate : Three times ternate; -- applied to a leaf whose petiole separates into three branches, each of which divides into three parts which each bear three leafiets.
Tritheism : The opinion or doctrine that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct Gods.
Tritheist : One who believes in tritheism.
Tritheistic : Alt. of Tritheistical
Tritheistical : Of or pertaining to tritheism.
: Tritheite, Trithing, Trithionate, Trithionic, Tritical, Triticin, Triticum, Triton, Tritone, Tritorium
: Tristfully, Tristichous, Tristigmatic, Tristigmatose, Tristitiate, Tristoma, Tristtul, Tristy, Trisulcate, Trisulphide
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary