Vocabulary : Trommel to Trones
Trommel : A revolving buddle or sieve for separating, or sizing, ores.
Tromp : A blowing apparatus, in which air, drawn into the upper part of a vertical tube through side holes by a stream of water within, is carried down with the water into a box or chamber below which it is led to a furnace. ;; Alt. of Trompe
Trompe : A trumpet; a trump.
Trompil : An aperture in a tromp.
Tron : See 3d Trone, 2.
Trona : A native double salt, consisting of a combination of neutral and acid sodium carbonate, Na2CO3.2HNaCO3.2H2O, occurring as a white crystalline fibrous deposit from certain soda brine springs and lakes; -- called also urao, and by the ancients nitrum.
Tronage : A toll or duty paid for weighing wool; also, the act of weighing wool.
Tronator : An officer in London whose duty was to weigh wool.
Trone : A throne. ;; A small drain. ;; Alt. of Trones
Trones : A steelyard. ;; A form of weighing machine for heavy wares, consisting of two horizontal bars crossing each other, beaked at the extremities, and supported by a wooden pillar. It is now mostly disused.
: Troop, Troopbird, Trooped, Trooper, Troopfowl, Troopial, Trooping, Troopmeal, Troopship, Troostite
: Troller, Trolley, Trolley car, Trolley wire, Trolling, Trollmydames, Trollop, Trollopee, Trolly, Trombone
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary