Vocabulary : Troop to Troostite

Troop : See Boy scout, above. ;; A collection of people; a company; a number; a multitude. ;; Soldiers, collectively; an army; -- now generally used in the plural. ;; Specifically, a small body of cavalry, light horse, or dragoons, consisting usually of about sixty men, commanded by a captain; the unit of formation of cavalry, corresponding to the company in infantry. Formerly, also, a company of horse artillery; a battery. ;; A company of stageplayers; a troupe. ;; A particular roll of the drum; a quick march. ;; To move in numbers; to come or gather in crowds or troops. ;; To march on; to go forward in haste.
Troopbird : Any troupial.
Trooped : of Troop
Trooper : A mounted policeman. ;; A soldier in a body of cavalry; a cavalryman; also, the horse of a cavalryman.
Troopfowl : The American scaup duck.
Troopial : Same as Troupial.
Trooping : of Troop
Troopmeal : By troops; in crowds.
Troopship : A vessel built or fitted for the conveyance of troops; a transport.
Troostite : Willemite.
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