Vocabulary : Unbloody to Unborrowed
Unbloody : Not bloody.
Unblushing : Not blushing; shameless.
Unbody : To free from the body; to disembody. ;; To leave the body; to be disembodied; -- said of the soul or spirit.
Unbolt : To remove a bolt from; to unfasten; to unbar; to open. ;; To explain or unfold a matter; to make a revelation.
Unbone : To deprive of bones, as meat; to bone. ;; To twist about, as if boneless.
Unbonnet : To take a bonnet from; to take off one's bonnet; to uncover; as, to unbonnet one's head.
Unbooked : Not written in a book; unrecorded.
Unboot : To take off the boots from.
Unborn : Not born; no yet brought into life; being still to appear; future.
Unborrowed : Not borrowed; being one's own; native; original.
: Unbosom, Unbosomed, Unbosomer, Unbosoming, Unbottomed, Unbound, Unboundably, Unbounded, Unbow, Unbowed
: Unbit, Unbitted, Unbitting, Unblemished, Unbless, Unblessed, Unblest, Unblestful, Unblind, Unblindfold
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary