Vocabulary : Unbosom to Unbowed
Unbosom : To disclose freely; to reveal in confidence, as secrets; to confess; -- often used reflexively; as, to unbosom one's self.
Unbosomed : of Unbosom
Unbosomer : One who unbosoms, or discloses.
Unbosoming : of Unbosom
Unbottomed : Deprived of a bottom. ;; Having no bottom; bottomless.
Unbound : of Unbind ;; imp. & p. p. of Unbind.
Unboundably : Infinitely.
Unbounded : Having no bound or limit; as, unbounded space; an, unbounded ambition.
Unbow : To unbend.
Unbowed : Not bent or arched; not bowed down.
: Unbowel, Unboweled, Unboweling, Unbowelled, Unbowelling, Unbox, Unboy, Unbrace, Unbraid, Unbreast
: Unbloody, Unblushing, Unbody, Unbolt, Unbone, Unbonnet, Unbooked, Unboot, Unborn, Unborrowed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary