Vocabulary : Unbowel to Unbreast
Unbowel : To deprive of the entrails; to disembowel.
Unboweled : of Unbowel
Unboweling : of Unbowel
Unbowelled : of Unbowel
Unbowelling : of Unbowel
Unbox : To remove from a box or boxes.
Unboy : To divest of the traits of a boy.
Unbrace : To free from tension; to relax; to loose; as, to unbrace a drum; to unbrace the nerves.
Unbraid : To separate the strands of; to undo, as a braid; to unravel; to disentangle.
Unbreast : To disclose, or lay open; to unbosom.
: Unbreathed, Unbreching, Unbred, Unbreech, Unbreeched, Unbrewed, Unbridle, Unbridled, Unbroken, Unbuckle
: Unbosom, Unbosomed, Unbosomer, Unbosoming, Unbottomed, Unbound, Unboundably, Unbounded, Unbow, Unbowed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary