Vocabulary : Unriddle to Unripe
Unriddle : To read the riddle of; to solve or explain; as, to unriddle an enigma or a mystery.
Unriddler : One who unriddles.
Unrig : To strip of rigging; as, to unrig a ship.
Unright : Not right; wrong. ;; A wrong. ;; To cause (something right) to become wrong.
Unrighteous : Not righteous; evil; wicked; sinful; as, an unrighteous man. ;; Contrary to law and equity; unjust; as, an unrighteous decree or sentence.
Unrightwise : Unrighteous.
Unringed : Not having a ring, as in the nose.
Unrioted : Free from rioting.
Unrip : To rip; to cut open.
Unripe : Not ripe; as, unripe fruit. ;; Developing too early; premature.
: Unripeness, Unrivaled, Unrivet, Unrobe, Unroll, Un-Romanized, Unroof, Unroofed, Unroost, Unroot
: Unrespect, Unresponsible, Unrest, Unrestraint, Unresty, Unrevenued, Unreverence, Unreverend, Unreverent, Unreverently
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary