Vocabulary : Unripeness to Unroot
Unripeness : Quality or state of being unripe.
Unrivaled : Having no rival; without a competitor; peerless.
Unrivet : To take out, or loose, the rivets of; as, to unrivet boiler plates.
Unrobe : To disrobe; to undress; to take off the robes.
Unroll : To open, as what is rolled or convolved; as, to unroll cloth; to unroll a banner. ;; To display; to reveal. ;; To remove from a roll or register, as a name.
Un-Romanized : Not subjected to Roman arms or customs. ;; Not subjected to the principles or usages of the Roman Catholic Church.
Unroof : To strip off the roof or covering of, as a house.
Unroofed : Stripped of a roof, or similar covering. ;; Not yet roofed.
Unroost : To drive from the roost.
Unroot : To tear up by the roots; to eradicate; to uproot. ;; To be torn up by the roots.
: Unrude, Unruffle, Unruffled, Unruinate, Unruinated, Unruled, Unruliment, Unruliness, Unruly, Unrumple
: Unriddle, Unriddler, Unrig, Unright, Unrighteous, Unrightwise, Unringed, Unrioted, Unrip, Unripe
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary