Vocabulary : Unsacrament to Unsanctification

Unsacrament : To deprive of sacramental character or efficacy; as, to unsacrament the rite of baptism.
Unsad : Unsteady; fickle.
Unsadden : To relieve from sadness; to cheer.
Unsaddle : To strip of a saddle; to take the saddle from, as a horse. ;; To throw from the saddle; to unhorse.
Unsadness : Infirmity; weakness.
Unsafety : The quality or state of being in peril; absence of safety; insecurity.
Unsaint : To deprive of saintship; to deny sanctity to.
Unsaintly : Unbecoming to a saint.
Unsalable : Not salable; unmerchantable. ;; That which can not be sold.
Unsanctification : Absence or lack of sanctification.
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