Vocabulary : Unrude to Unrumple
Unrude : Not rude; polished. ;; Excessively rude.
Unruffle : To cease from being ruffled or agitated.
Unruffled : Not ruffled or agitated; smooth; calm; tranquil; quiet.
Unruinate : Alt. of Unruinated
Unruinated : Not ruined or destroyed.
Unruled : Not governed or controlled. ;; Not ruled or marked with lines; as, unruled paper.
Unruliment : Unruliness.
Unruliness : Quality or state unruly.
Unruly : Not submissive to rule; disregarding restraint; disposed to violate; turbulent; ungovernable; refractory; as, an unruly boy; unruly boy; unruly conduct.
Unrumple : To free from rumples; to spread or lay even,
: Unsacrament, Unsad, Unsadden, Unsaddle, Unsadness, Unsafety, Unsaint, Unsaintly, Unsalable, Unsanctification
: Unripeness, Unrivaled, Unrivet, Unrobe, Unroll, Un-Romanized, Unroof, Unroofed, Unroost, Unroot
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary