Vocabulary : Zealous to Zebub

Zealous : Filled with, or characterized by, zeal; warmly engaged, or ardent, in behalf of an object. ;; Filled with religious zeal.
Zebec : See Xebec.
Zebra : Either one of two species of South African wild horses remarkable for having the body white or yellowish white, and conspicuously marked with dark brown or brackish bands.
Zebrawood : A kind of cabinet wood having beautiful black, brown, and whitish stripes, the timber of a tropical American tree (Connarus Guianensis). ;; The wood of a small West Indian myrtaceous tree (Eugenia fragrans). ;; The wood of an East Indian tree of the genus Guettarda.
Zebrine : Pertaining to, or resembling, the zebra.
Zebrinny : A cross between a male horse and a female zebra.
Zebrula : Alt. of Zebrule
Zebrule : A cross between a male zebra and a female horse.
Zebu : A bovine mammal (Ros Indicus) extensively domesticated in India, China, the East Indies, and East Africa. It usually has short horns, large pendulous ears, slender legs, a large dewlap, and a large, prominent hump over the shoulders; but these characters vary in different domestic breeds, which range in size from that of the common ox to that of a large mastiff.
Zebub : A large noxious fly of Abyssinia, which like the tsetse fly, is destructive to cattle.
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