Vocabulary : Zechin to Zemindar

Zechin : See Sequin.
Zechstein : The upper division of the Permian (Dyas) of Europe. The prevailing rock is a magnesian limestone.
Zed : The letter Z; -- called also zee, and formerly izzard.
Zedoary : A medicinal substance obtained in the East Indies, having a fragrant smell, and a warm, bitter, aromatic taste. It is used in medicine as a stimulant.
Zeekoe : A hippopotamus.
Zeeman effect : The widening and duplication, triplication, etc., of spectral lines when the radiations emanate in a strong magnetic field, first observed in 1896 by P. Zeeman, a Dutch physicist, and regarded as an important confirmation of the electromagnetic theory of light.
Zehner : An Austrian silver coin equal to ten kreutzers, or about five cents.
Zein : A nitrogenous substance of the nature of gluten, obtained from the seeds of Indian corn (Zea) as a soft, yellowish, amorphous substance.
Zeitgeist : The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
Zemindar : Same as Zamindar.
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