Vocabulary : Zoocytia to Zoogenic

Zoocytia : of Zoocytium
Zoocytium : The common support, often branched, of certain species of social Infusoria.
Zoodendria : of Zoodendrium
Zoodendrium : The branched, and often treelike, support of the colonies of certain Infusoria.
Zooecia : of Zooecium
Zooecium : One of the cells or tubes which inclose the feeling zooids of Bryozoa. See Illust. of Sea Moss.
Zooerythrine : A peculiar organic red coloring matter found in the feathers of various birds.
Zoogamous : Of or pertaining zoogamy.
Zoogamy : The sexual reproduction of animals.
Zoogenic : Of or pertaining to zoogeny, animal production.
Next : Zoogeny, Zoogeographical, Zoogeography, Zoogloea, Zoogony, Zoographer, Zoographic, Zoographical, Zoographist, Zoography
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