Vocabulary : Zoogeny to Zoography

Zoogeny : Alt. of Zoogony
Zoogeographical : Of or pertaining to zoography.
Zoogeography : The study or description of the geographical distribution of animals.
Zoogloea : A colony or mass of bacteria imbedded in a viscous gelatinous substance. The zoogloea is characteristic of a transitory stage through which rapidly multiplying bacteria pass in the course of their evolution. Also used adjectively.
Zoogony : The doctrine of the formation of living beings.
Zoographer : One who describes animals, their forms and habits.
Zoographic : Alt. of Zoographical
Zoographical : Of or pertaining to the description of animals.
Zoographist : A zoographer.
Zoography : A description of animals, their forms and habits.
Next : Zooid, Zooidal, Zoolatry, Zoologer, Zoological, Zoologically, Zoologies, Zoologist, Zoologize, Zoology
Previous : Zoocytia, Zoocytium, Zoodendria, Zoodendrium, Zooecia, Zooecium, Zooerythrine, Zoogamous, Zoogamy, Zoogenic
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