Vocabulary : Zoomelanin to Zoophaga

Zoomelanin : A pigment giving the black color to the feathers of many birds.
Zoomorphic : Of or pertaining to zoomorphism.
Zoomorphism : The transformation of men into beasts. ;; The quality of representing or using animal forms; as, zoomorphism in ornament. ;; The representation of God, or of gods, in the form, or with the attributes, of the lower animals.
Zoon : An animal which is the sole product of a single egg; -- opposed to zooid. ;; Any one of the perfectly developed individuals of a compound animal.
Zoonic : Of or pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.
Zoonite : One of the segments of the body of an articulate animal. ;; One of the theoretic transverse divisions of any segmented animal.
Zoonomy : The laws of animal life, or the science which treats of the phenomena of animal life, their causes and relations.
Zoonule : Same as Zoonite.
Zoopathology : Animal pathology.
Zoophaga : An artificial group comprising various carnivorous and insectivorous animals.
Next : Zoophagan, Zoophagous, Zoophilist, Zoophily, Zoophite, Zoophoric, Zoophorous, Zoophyta, Zoophyte, Zoophytic
Previous : Zooid, Zooidal, Zoolatry, Zoologer, Zoological, Zoologically, Zoologies, Zoologist, Zoologize, Zoology
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