Vocabulary : Zoophagan to Zoophytic

Zoophagan : A animal that feeds on animal food.
Zoophagous : Feeding on animals.
Zoophilist : A lover of animals.
Zoophily : Love of animals.
Zoophite : A zoophyte.
Zoophoric : Bearing or supporting the figure of an animal; as, a zoophoric column.
Zoophorous : The part between the architrave and cornice; the frieze; -- so called from the figures of animals carved upon it.
Zoophyta : An extensive artificial and heterogeneous group of animals, formerly adopted by many zoologists. It included the c/lenterates, echinoderms, sponges, Bryozoa, Protozoa, etc.
Zoophyte : Any one of numerous species of invertebrate animals which more or less resemble plants in appearance, or mode of growth, as the corals, gorgonians, sea anemones, hydroids, bryozoans, sponges, etc., especially any of those that form compound colonies having a branched or treelike form, as many corals and hydroids. ;; Any one of the Zoophyta.
Zoophytic : Alt. of Zoophytical
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