Vocabulary : Zootic to Zorilla

Zootic : Containing the remains of organized bodies; -- said of rock or soil.
Zootomical : Of or pertaining to zootomy.
Zootomist : One who dissects animals, or is skilled in zootomy.
Zootomy : The dissection or the anatomy of animals; -- distinguished from androtomy.
Zootrophic : Of or pertaining to the nourishment of animals.
Zoozoo : The wood pigeon.
Zope : A European fresh-water bream (Abramis ballerus).
Zopilote : The urubu, or American black vulture.
Zoril : Same as Zorilla.
Zorilla : Either one of two species of small African carnivores of the genus Ictonyx allied to the weasels and skunks.
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