Vocabulary : Zoophytical to Zoosporic
Zoophytical : Of or pertaining to zoophytes.
Zoophytoid : Pertaining to, or resembling, a zoophyte.
Zoophytological : Of or pertaining to zoophytology; as, zoophytological observations.
Zoophytology : The natural history zoophytes.
Zoopraxiscope : An instrument similar to, or the same as, the, the phenakistoscope, by means of which pictures projected upon a screen are made to exhibit the natural movements of animals, and the like.
Zoopsychology : Animal psychology.
Zoosperm : One of the spermatic particles; spermatozoid.
Zoosporangium : A spore, or conceptacle containing zoospores.
Zoospore : A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown, algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also sporozoid, and swarmspore. ;; See Swarmspore.
Zoosporic : Of or pertaining to zoospores; of the nature of zoospores.
: Zootic, Zootomical, Zootomist, Zootomy, Zootrophic, Zoozoo, Zope, Zopilote, Zoril, Zorilla
: Zoophagan, Zoophagous, Zoophilist, Zoophily, Zoophite, Zoophoric, Zoophorous, Zoophyta, Zoophyte, Zoophytic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary