Vocabulary : Zuche to Zumological

Zuche : A stump of a tree.
Zuchetto : A skullcap covering the tonsure, worn under the berretta. The pope's is white; a cardinal's red; a bishop's purple; a priest's black.
Zufolo : A little flute or flageolet, especially that which is used to teach birds.
Zuisin : The American widgeon.
Zulu : Any member of the tribe of Zulus; a Zulu-Kaffir. See Zulus. ;; One of the most important members of the South African, or Bantu, family of languages, spoken partly in Natal and partly in Zululand, but understood, and more or less in use, over a wide territory, at least as far north as the Zambezi; -- called also Zulu-Kaffir.
Zulu-Kaffir : A member of the Bantu race comprising the Zulus and the Kaffirs.
Zulus : The most important tribe belonging to the Kaffir race. They inhabit a region on the southeast coast of Africa, but formerly occupied a much more extensive country. They are noted for their warlike disposition, courage, and military skill.
Zumbooruk : A small cannon supported by a swiveled rest on the back of a camel, whence it is fired, -- used in the East.
Zumic : Alt. of Zumometer
Zumological : Alt. of Zumometer
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