Vocabulary : Zumology to Zygapophysis

Zumology : Alt. of Zumometer
Zumometer : See Zymic, Zymological, etc.
Zunyite : A fluosilicate of alumina occurring in tetrahedral crystals at the Zu/i mine in Colorado.
Zwanziger : An Austrian silver coin equivalent to 20 kreutzers, or about 10 cents.
Zwieback : A kind of biscuit or rusk first baked in a loaf and afterwards cut and toasted.
Zwinglian : Of or pertaining to Ulric Zwingli (1481-1531), the reformer of German Switzerland, who maintained that in the Lord's Supper the true body of Christ is present by the contemplation of faith but not in essence or reality, and that the sacrament is a memorial without mystical elements. ;; A follower of Zwingli.
Zygantra : of Zygantrum
Zygantrum : See under Zygosphene.
Zygapophyses : of Zygapophysis
Zygapophysis : One of the articular processes of a vertebra, of which there are usually four, two anterior and two posterior. See under Vertebra.
Next : Zygenid, Zygobranchia, Zygobranchiate, Zygodactyl, Zygodactylae, Zygodactyle, Zygodactyli, Zygodactylic, Zygodactylous, Zygoma
Previous : Zuche, Zuchetto, Zufolo, Zuisin, Zulu, Zulu-Kaffir, Zulus, Zumbooruk, Zumic, Zumological
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