Vocabulary : Zygenid to Zygoma

Zygenid : Any one of numerous species of moths of the family Zygaenidae, most of which are bright colored. The wood nymph and the vine forester are examples. Also used adjectively.
Zygobranchia : A division of marine gastropods in which the gills are developed on both sides of the body and the renal organs are also paired. The abalone (Haliotis) and the keyhole limpet (Fissurella) are examples.
Zygobranchiate : Of or pertaining to the Zygobranchia.
Zygodactyl : Alt. of Zygodactyle
Zygodactylae : The zygodactylous birds. In a restricted sense applied to a division of birds which includes the barbets, toucans, honey guides, and other related birds.
Zygodactyle : Any zygodactylous bird.
Zygodactyli : Same as Scansores.
Zygodactylic : Alt. of Zygodactylous
Zygodactylous : Yoke-footed; having the toes disposed in pairs; -- applied to birds which have two toes before and two behind, as the parrot, cuckoo, woodpecker, etc.
Zygoma : The jugal, malar, or cheek bone. ;; The zygomatic process of the temporal bone. ;; The whole zygomatic arch.
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